Are You Looking for Something

If you are new to yoga, going into a big yoga class with students at different levels can lead you to perform yoga poses without proper alignment, and improper form can leave yourself open to injury. Or perhaps you have a specific body part that’s giving you problems, private yoga therapy techniques can help!

As private instructors, we will take the time to show you how to get in and out of every pose properly as well as offer yoga props to assist you in the beginning until your body gets used to the poses.

One of the many benefits of a private yoga session is that we can tailor your class to you and your needs. If you need greater hip flexibility, you can have an entire class just focusing on the hips. Or if you are super stressed out, we can work on your breathing for 20 minutes.

Our private classes are designed to get exactly what you need for your body. We help you access your inner strength and balance through yoga poses but also through breathing, stress-relief, and connection to your higher self, which will, in turn, help you to balance the other aspects of your life.

As yoga teachers, we give you tools that you can always use outside of class or as we say in the yoga world, “off the mat.” Everyone can use tips on how to stand taller, sit upright, and stretch properly before exercise. Also, certain breathing techniques can help get you through the tough times in life. But the best thing a private yoga class will give you is the opportunity to help you see yourself at a different level, to go deeper to the place where your spirit shines, and to help you shine that light outward for others to see.

Private Yoga Pricing

First session is $80.00 and will run about 60 minutes. We will go over your wellness goals and any physical or emotional restrictions you may have. During our time together, we will come up with a plan that will work specifically for you. After our first visit, we will determine how often you’d like to meet.

During our 1-1’s, each class will be written specifically for you and your needs and will last around 50 minutes. If applicable, I will email certain points from our time together for you to practice at home.

Individual Session: $80.00


3 Private Sessions-$225 / 5 sessions- $350 

Ready To Get Started?

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